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Activity 7 The Shifting Stars
- In Activity 2 The Stars as a Compass you
learned that the stars appear to turn around the celestial
poles. In this activity you explore the movement of both
sun and stars in greater detail, understanding not only the
passage of the stars in the night, but the movement of the
sun throughout the seasons.
Specific Learning Outcomes
- You will make a 3-D model of the sky, called a
Sky-in-a-Box, and use it to explore the movement
of the sun and stars.
Teacher Planning and Preparation
- This activity is in two parts: the first is
construction of the Sky-in-a-Box , and the second is
exploring the way the sky works using the
- Full instructions and details of materials and tools
required are provided as part of the downloadable Sky-in-a-Box kit.
There is only one version of the Sky-in-a-Box kit
the one model can be used to represent the sky for
any location on Earth.
- Please read the instructions fully before beginning
this project. Construction is straightforward, the
instructions are detailed and accompanied by photographs,
and the materials are all easy to obtain and work with.
However, construction will take several hours and you may
need to practice some of the techniques before getting them
- Classroom teachers will probably not want to get
everyone in the class to make a Sky-in-a-Box.
Consider getting a group of competent students to complete
one as a special project. Make sure you are able to
organise sufficient adult supervision with the use of craft
knives and hot glue guns. We have had these tools used
safely by children as young as five years old, but always
with close and competent supervision. It is sometimes
necessary to have those tools operated by adults only.
Alternative to construction
- You will find that exploring the way the sky works is
very difficult without a model to play with. If you find
the prospect of constructing your own Sky-in-a-Box
too daunting, you may wish to consider purchasing an Earth-Space-Simulator.
It works in a similar way to the Sky-in-a-Box, but is
factory made.
- It is difficult for a large group to all be close to
the Sky-in-a-Box, yet this is the best way to
actually imagine that you are inside the celestial sphere. If
you are working with a whole classroom, you will want to
plan for small groups or individuals to have time with the
device to explore it.
- The world tour is quite a big project. You will
probably want to organise separate groups to explore each climate
The Sky-in-a-Box is a cardboard model of the sky.
What You Need
- A globe of the Earth is a very useful
resource to use alongside the Sky-in-a-Box.
For constructing the Sky-in-a-Box
- Print-outs of the Sky-in-a-Box
instructions and designs. (Download here)
- Two cardboard boxes, or more (You will need the walls
of one or two boxes, and one complete box for the
- Barbecue skewers (between 6 and 8 of them, to make the
equator and ecliptic)
- A piece of 8mm or 5/16 inch diameter dowel 270mm or
10½ inches long (to make the axle)
- A plastic bead or marble roughly 10mm or ½ inch
diameter (to be the sun)
- Two clothes pegs
- Several hours of time and a reasonable measure of
Tools and fasteners
- Hot melt glue gun with sticks of hot melt glue (for
- Bowl of cold water or nearby tap (to avoid burns)
- Glue stick (for sticking paper to cardboard)
- Blu-tack (for sticking sun bead or marble to the
- Packing tape (for taping the base box closed)
- Scissors (for cutting paper)
- Saw (for cutting dowel)
- Large craft knife (for cutting cardboard)
- Replacement blades for the craft knife
- Cutting board or pile of newspapers
- Side cutters (for cutting barbecue skewers)
- Dressmakers pin or push-pin (for marking points through
the cardboard)
For taking a world tour using the
Science Background Knowledge
- The Science
Background Knowledge section of Activity 2 provides
a useful introduction to some of these concepts.
Vocabulary Checklist
- Celestial sphere: It looks as if the stars are
stuck to the inside of a huge ball. This ball is called the celestial
- Celestial poles: the extension of the
Earths north pole and south pole onto the celestial
- Circum-polar stars: stars near the celestial
poles that never set
- Celestial equator: the projection of the
Earths equator onto the celestial sphere
- Ecliptic: The ecliptic is the path that the sun appears to follow
around the celestial sphere, caused by the Earth orbiting
the sun. The ecliptic is tilted away from
the celestial equator because the Earths axis is tilted.
- Equinox: Equinoxes are the times when the sun appears to cross
the celestial equator on its journey around the
ecliptic. Day and night are equal in length at the equinoxes.
- Solstice: Solstices are the times when the sun is furthest from
the celestial equator on its journey around the
ecliptic. The summer solstice is called the longest day. The winter
solstice is called the shortest day.
- Helical rise, cosmic rise: the first appearance
for the year of a star when it rises ahead of the sun in
the dawn
- Right ascension, RA: a measure of angular
distance around the celestial sphere, used like longitude
but to locate places on the celestial sphere (can be
measured in hours or degrees, 1 hour of RA = 15
- Declination: a measure of angular distance from
the celestial equator, used like latitude but to locate
places on the celestial sphere (measured in degrees)
- Meridian: a line from north to south, passing directly
overhead, that divides the sky in two
What is the celestial sphere?
- In reality the stars are scattered through space, all
at different distances from Earth. But how far away do they
- When you look at something your brain compares the
images from each of your two eyes. Your brain uses the
differences between the two images to work out how far away
things are. All stars are so far away that there are no
differences. Because of
this, your brain cannot determine the distance to the
stars. It simply assumes that, whatever distance they are,
they are all the same distance.
- If you were surrounded by thousands and thousands of
stars, all the same distance away, what shape would they
form? They would form a ball or sphere.
- For thousands of years people assumed that the stars
were attached to a sphere simply because thats what
it looked like. This sphere was called the celestial
sphere. We now know that the stars are not attached
to a sphere, but we still use the idea of a celestial
sphere because it accurately describes what the starry sky
looks like.
- The Sky-in-a-Box is a model of what the sky
looks like. That is why it is made in the shape of a
celestial sphere. When you use the Sky-in-a-Box you
pretend that you are standing on the Earth in the very middle
of the cardboard celestial sphere.
The celestial sphere as it would appear to
the "eye
of God" (as seen from outside the ball of stars). |
The axis and the celestial poles
- The Earth rotates around itself, causing day and night.
The axle it rotates around is called the
- We cannot feel this rotation. The result is that it
looks as if the celestial sphere is rotating around the
Earth, instead of the Earth rotating around its own axis.
We use the idea of a rotating celestial sphere because it
accurately describes what the skys movement looks
- The celestial sphere appears to rotate around the
Earths axis. If we extend the Earths axis out
into space, it becomes the celestial spheres axis.
Just like the Earth, the celestial sphere has north and
south poles: the north celestial pole and the south
celestial pole.
- In the Sky-in-a-Box, the axis is made from a rod
(called the axle) which is mounted in two cardboard
bearings, one at the north celestial pole and one at the
south celestial pole.
The sun and the seasons
- Apart from the sun itself (which is a star) all of the
stars are much, much further away than the very outer
reaches of the Solar System. So we can think of the sun and
Earth occupying the centre of the celestial sphere.
Something like this: (looking down on the North Pole from above the Solar System)
- The Earth spins on its axis causing day, when you cannot see the
stars, and then night when you see only those stars on the
other side of the celestial sphere from the sun. In the
above diagram you will see the constellation Virgo high in the sky at midnight.
We say the sun is in Pisces because it
appears to be in the same part of the celestial sphere as
- After the Earth has travelled along its orbit of the sun for a further
three months
it will look like this:
The sun appears to be in a
different part of the celestial sphere, and we see a
different set of constellations at night. Now we will see
the constellation Sagittarius high in the sky at midnight and the sun is in Gemini.
- As the Earth completes its orbit the sun appears to
move through all 12 of the constellations shown here. The
path the sun appears to take is called the ecliptic, and
the constellations it appears to pass through are called
the constellations of the zodiac. As the sun passes through
each of the constellations of the zodiac it also passes
through each of the four seasons spring, summer, autumn and
Classroom Lead-In
- It is a good idea to discuss and demonstrate the
Science Background Knowledge
topics in this activity before
exploring the Sky-in-a-Box.
- A good way to explain the principle in The
sun and the seasons above is to get students to role-play
it. Have a large circle of 12 students. Give each student a
label with one of the 12 zodiac constellation names on it.
Have another two students in the middle to be the sun and
Earth. Get Earth to say which constellation the sun appears
to be in. Get Earth to rotate and say which constellations
will appear at night (when facing away from the sun). Then
get Earth to orbit to a new position later in the year and
again report which constellation the sun is in and which
constellations are visible at night.
- Full instructions for making and setting the
Sky-in-a-Box are in the downloadable kit.
Today and tonight
- First set the Sky-in-a-Box for your latitude.
(Instructions for setting it are in the downloadable kit.)
Then blu-tack the sun onto the ecliptic at roughly the
correct place for today. (The ecliptic is the ring of
barbecue skewers labelled Ecliptic. The sun is
a yellow bead or marble.) Four of the arms are labelled
with months: March, June, September and December. For the
months in between, just estimate the location of the sun.
Any intermediate location will do, so long as it is on the
- Now get close to the Sky-in-a-Box. The opening in the base
represents the horizon. The part of the celestial sphere you can see
above the opening represents the sky you can see from your
latitude on Earth. Get your eyes level with the horizon, and as close as
possible to the celestial sphere. Look through the near
side of the sphere and focus your attention on the far side
of the sphere, especially on the stars. Imagine
that you are standing inside the sphere, and that
everything below the horizon is not visible to you.
- Turn the celestial sphere so that the sun rises in the
east, and sets in the west.
- Does the sun rise due east, or further to the
south-east or north-east?
- Does it go high into the sky, or cross the sky quite
- Does it set due west, or further to the southwest or
- What it does depends on your latitude and the time of
year, but it should mimic what the actual sun is doing in
the sky this month.
- Keep turning the celestial sphere while watching the
- Can you identify any circum-polar stars?
- Can you see some stars that never rise at all?
- Can you see that Scorpius rises whenever Orion
- Can you see that Orion rises due east and sets due
your eyes level with the horizon, and as close as
possible to the celestial sphere. |
The changing seasons
- As the Earth rotates it causes day and night. The sun
and stars appear to rise in the east, cross the sky, and
set in the west.
- As the Earth orbits it causes the seasons. Earths
axis always points in the same direction, towards the same
stars. The northern end of the axis points to the pole star
while the southern end points to a point between Achernar
and the Southern Cross. This means that the stars always
follow the same pattern; the same stars rise at the same
places year-round. When you turn the celestial sphere on
your Sky-in-a-Box you can see that the star paths
are fixed.
- (There is a very slow variation in the direction of the
earths axis called precession. Precession takes place
over period of thousands of years, with a full cycle of
precession taking 25,000 years. It causes a slow variation
in the star paths. Because this effect is so slow, we
ignore it in this activity. It is a more advanced topic,
and cannot be modelled with a Sky-in-a-Box.)
- As the Earth orbits, it causes the sun to appear against
a different background of stars every month. If you connect
up these background stars they form a single
line called the ecliptic. The sun makes one
complete journey around the ecliptic every year, caused by
one complete orbit.
- This means that the suns path through the sky is
different every day. It also means that some stars cannot
be seen at all during parts of the year when the sun is in
the sky at the same time as those stars. You can model this
on your Sky-in-a-Box by placing the sun on the
ecliptic, and then turning the celestial sphere to see what
happens during one day and night cycle. We will now take a
tour through the four seasons of the year.
- For thousands of years people have watched the slow
passage of the sun around the ecliptic, and used its
progress to tell the time of year. The ancient Greek and
Roman people did this. Their new year began when the sun
passed a point that indicated spring time: the March
equinox. We will follow this convention and start our
exploration of the year at the March equinox.
- Blu-tack the sun to the ecliptic at the point labelled
March Equinox. Now turn the celestial sphere
and see what happens during one day and one night.
- Do you notice that the sun rises due east and sets due
- How high in the sky does the sun go during the
- Do you notice that the sun spends half of its time
above the horizon, and half below?
- Do you notice that when the sun sets Orion is high in
the sky, and that by sunrise Scorpius is up (as
high as it gets in your part of the world).
- Equinox comes from the Latin words for equal and night.
It means that day and night are equal in length.
- Move the sun to the point on the ecliptic labelled
June Solstice. Now turn the celestial sphere
and see what happens during one day and one night.
- Do you notice that the sun rises to the north of due
east and sets to the north of due west?
- How high in the sky does the sun go during the
- Is it summer or winter?
- Does the sun spend more than half of its time above the
horizon, or less than half of its time?
- Do you notice that Scorpius is at its highest at
- Solstice comes from the Latin words for stopped sun. It
means the sun has stopped getting further north, and is
beginning to move south again. (At the December solstice it
stops moving south, and begins to move north again.)
- Move the sun to the ecliptic at the point labelled
September Equinox. Now turn the celestial
sphere and see what happens during one day and one
- Do you notice that the sun rises due east and sets due
- How high in the sky does the sun go during the
- Do you notice that the sun spends half of its time
above the horizon, and half below?
- Do you notice that the suns movement is exactly
the same as it was at the March equinox?
- Do you notice that when the sun sets Scorpius is up (as
high as it gets in your part of the world), and that by sunrise
Orion is high in the sky.
- Move the sun to the point on the ecliptic labelled
December Solstice. Now turn the celestial
sphere and see what happens during one day and one
- Do you notice that the sun rises to the south of due
east and sets to the south of due west?
- How high in the sky does the sun go during the
- Is it summer or winter?
- Does the sun spend more than half of its time above the
horizon, or less than half of its time?
- Do you notice that Orion is at its highest at
- Now that you have completed this tour of the year,
you should be able to work out which of the solstices is the
summer solstice, and which is the winter solstice. The
summer solstice is often called the longest day and the
winter solstice is often called the shortest day. Can you
see why?
- In the Northern Hemisphere the December solstice is the
winter solstice and the June one is the summer solstice. In
the Southern Hemisphere it is the other way around with the
June solstice being winter and December solstice being
- In the Northern Hemisphere the March equinox is the
spring equinox, and the September equinox is the autumn
equinox. In the Southern Hemisphere it is the other way
A calendar of stars
- Lets look at what happens to the Pleiades during
the course of a year. At the March equinox the Pleiades
rise during the day, and they can only be seen for a short
time in the evening after the sun sets and before they set.
As the year wears on the sun moves, little by little,
towards the June solstice. Each day the sun gets a little
closer to the Pleiades. Each day they can be seen for less
and less time after sunset. Try it with your
Sky-in-a-Box. Move the sun a little bit closer to
the Pleiades along the ecliptic, and then turn the
celestial sphere through one day.
- Eventually there comes a time when the Pleiades cannot
be seen at all. They rise when the sky is light, and set
before it gets dark.
- But keep moving the sun little by little on its
year-long journey around the ecliptic. Soon the Pleiades
are rising ahead of the sun. Soon they will rise early
enough to be seen in the morning twilight. Every day they
rise 4 minutes earlier. If you watch enough sunrises around
this time of the year, eventually you will see the Pleiades
rise, twinkle in the sky close to the eastern horizon for a
minute or two, and then fade from view as the sun lights
the sky. This first visible rising of the Pleiades before
the sun is called the helical rise (also known as the
cosmic rise) of the Pleiades.
- While some cultures used equinoxes and solstices as
their main calendar markers, some used helical rises of
stars. It seems that all cultures knew about both, its just
that one particular marker was used more than others were.
For example, the Greek and Roman cultures used the spring
equinox as the start of their new year, while the New
Zealand Māori used the helical rise of the Pleiades, known
to them as Matariki.
- Sirius is known as the dog star. The
saying the dog days means the time of the
helical rise of the dog star, always the hottest time of
summer in the Northern Hemisphere. In the Southern
Hemisphere the same helical rise is a sign that the coldest
part of winter is upon us. Sirius is called Takurua (winter
star) by the New Zealand Māori.
The star compass
- In Activity 2
you learned how to find north or south
from the stars. This technique is very effective north of
latitude 35° north where the pole star is reasonably
high in the sky and the Big Dipper is always above the
horizon to help find it.
- Close to the equator the pole star is always low on the
horizon where it is often difficult to see due to haze or
low cloud. The Southern Cross is of limited use at these
latitudes. Polynesian seafarers could not afford to depend
on the pole star and the Southern Cross. They developed a
method known as the star compass for finding their way when
crossing the ocean by canoe.
- Now that you have completed a tour of the whole year,
you will have realised that each star in the sky (apart
from the sun) always rises at the same point on the
horizon. At certain times of the year you cannot see
certain stars, but when you do see a star rise, you always
see it rise at the same place.
- If you learned to name and recognise all of the stars
that rise in a particular direction, then you could use
them for direction finding. Orion is easy it always
rises due east. But if you wanted to sail due east, you
would need to learn something like 20 or 30 other stars
that also rise due east. Then you could sail towards
whichever one of the 20 or 30 happened to be rising at the
- Of course for every direction there is a different set
of stars. Polynesian navigators probably knew at least 300
constellations and stars off by heart. Before setting out
on a journey they would sit up all night looking in the
direction they planned to sail, refreshing their memory of
exactly which stars to use.
- This system may sound cumbersome, but it was accurate
and reliable. Polynesian mariners could cross a vast area
of empty ocean, arrive at a tiny island, and then return
home to an equally tiny island.
- There is a lot more information about star compasses at
the Polynesian
Voyaging Society web site.
- Does a star compass work anywhere in the world? You can
use your Sky-in-a-Box to research this question. Try
starting with your Sky-in-a-Box set for the equator.
Where does Orion rise? Where does the Southern Cross rise?
Now change the latitude to 45° south. Where does Orion
rise? Where does the Southern Cross rise? Stars closer to
the celestial poles do change their rise positions when you
travel a long way north or south. They can even stop rising
altogether when they become circum-polar. The star compass
was only part of a complex system of navigation, and it was
not used for long north/south migrations.
A world tour
- Now that you have explored the way the sky works for
your latitude, lets take a world tour and see how
the rest of the world sees the sun.
- The world can be divided into three main climate zones: tropical,
temperate, and polar.
The boundaries of these zones are the two tropic
lines and the two circum-polar circles.

This map shows the tropical zone in orange,
temperate zones in green and the polar zones in
- Use the Sky-in-a-Box to simulate visiting typical latitudes
from each zone. Latitudes to visit are 80° North, 45° North, 0°,
45° South, and 80° South.
- For each climate zone, answer these questions four times over
(once for each of the two equinoxes and once for each of the two solstices):
- Does the sun rise due east, or does it rise further to
the north/south?
- Does the sun set due west, or does it set further to
the north/south?
- Are the days long, short, or equal to the nights.
- How high does the sun get at its highest: low, medium,
high, or right to the top of the sky?
- For each climate zone, answer this question: Do
the four seasons bring huge changes, or are all four
seasons almost identical?
- The seasons worksheets (download
here) have places for
you to answer all of these questions for each of the five climate
- A summary of answers to these questions has not been included here.
We rely on you to discover the answers using the Sky-in-a-Box.
The latitides of the tropic and circum-polar lines are:
Arctic circle
66° 33 N
Tropic of Cancer
23° 26 N
Tropic of Capricorn
23° 26 S
Antarctic circle
66° 33 S
Follow Up and Extension
- Completing this activity gives you a good
grounding in the movement of the sun and stars. Research
topics that further extend this could include precession,
timekeeping, and celestial navigation.
Downloadable Resources
URL http://www.AstronomyInYourHands.com/activities/shiftingstars.html
Publication date 31 Jan 2003
Copyright © C J Hilder, 2003. All rights reserved.