Strand One
for Beginners
Overview of this strand
Finding directions from local landmarks
Stars as a Compass
Finding north and south by the stars
Make a Star
Wheel English-only or bilingual (Māori/English)
the Stars finding constellations on a star wheel and
a simulated sky
Under the Milky
Way your first night out stargazing
Planet Hit List
seeing all the planets
The Shifting
Stars make a 3-D model of the sky and use it
to understand the sky's movement
Strand Two
Measuring the
Sun make a straw quadrant
and use it to measure the
position of the sun
The Rolling Sun
make a 3D sun path using your straw quadrant
Sundial City
choose from among our unique designs, build a sundial and
test it. High interest sundials that dangle, sit on your desk, or
get painted on the playground. Cut from a piece of cardboard or
cast in bronze they look impressive and tell the time accurately.
(Four major designs to be published)
Bonanza -
Strand Three
System Simulations
There are plenty of
astronomy activities you can do at home or in the classroom, but
travelling to other planets is not one of them. We have devised
some activities that let you create astronomical models from
everyday materials.
Eat the Solar System
create your own edible scale model of the solar system 1km/1,000
yards across
Balloon Globe
make your own world globe from a balloon and use it to model the
seasons and eclipses using the sun as a light source
Collisions in
the Kitchen - make a comet, a crater, a Lunar lava lake, and
a volcano. Exciting cookery that explodes, splashes, hisses and
pops while teaching about the solar system |